Purchase Process
By ordering online you will be granded with non-limited usage of our software. If you are not 100% satisfied with your purchase, within 120 days from the purchase date, we will fully refund the cost of your order.
We use ShareIt! system, which is one of the leader companies for online money transfers. ShareIt! provides an easy and secure way to handle your registration process and supports several payment options such as : Visa, MasterCard / EuroCard, American Express, Diners Club, Banktransfer/Wire, Check and Cash. You can also make your order by fax through ShareIt!.
You are welcome to freely try our products first. The 30 days trial versions may have some functionality restrictions which will disappear upon registration. You will receive your registration data as soon as your purchase is complete.
Software Activation
After your order is complete you will receive a link that contains your software license key and credentials for your license portal account. You need to copy and paste the license key into the license ID field and click the Register! button. Upon successful license activation the software will shut down in order for changes to apply.
After first login into the license portal we strongly recommend to change the password
Software bundles include one license for each product and 5 years of free updates/support. After 5 years the bundle license can be renewed at a cost of 20% of the bundle price per year.
Please contact us if you need to purchase more than one bundle licenses or interested in educational licenses.