CLiq update history:

Changes in 14/01/2025
[*] Fixed an issue with settlemetns according to Β&Ο when using Imperial untis
[*] Fixed minor issues

Changes in 27/06/2024
[*] Fixed an issue with settlemetns according to Cetin et al. when using Imperial untis

Changes in 27/06/2024
[*] Fixed an issue with automatic unit weight calculation

Changes in 28/05/2024
[+] Updated security libraries to work with our new EU hosted server
[*] Fixed minnor issues

Changes in 17/06/2023
[*] Fixed minnor issues

Changes in 24/02/2023
[*] Fixed an issue with Cs calculation in SPT module and B&I methods

Changes in 24/02/2023
[*] Fixed an issue with file information not being displayed in the application status bar
[*] Fixed an issue with inverse normal cumulative function for PL values less than 3%

Changes in 24/02/2023
[*] Fixed an issue in Vs module regarding rd calculation and Kayen method
[-] Bray & Olaya 2023 settlements method not fully tested/implemented

Changes in 09/12/2022
[*] Fixed an issue with not being able to save

Changes in 18/10/2022
[*] Fixed an issue with LPI plot not displayed correctly

Changes in 12/10/2022
[*] Fixed an issue with Moss et al. report generation failing to initiate

Changes in 26/07/2022
[+] Added support for the latest CPeT-IT file format

Changes in 17/07/2022
[*] Fixed an issue where the software was unable to save
[*] Fixed an issue with LBS calculation and B&I shear strain

Changes in 15/03/2022
[*] Fixed an issue with report generation
[-] Experimental implementation of Hutabarat & Bray of ejecta severity estimation (currently supports only SI units)

Changes in 17/09/2021
[*] Fixed a critical issue in overlay module that caused plots not to display correctly

Changes in 12/07/2021
[*] Various improvements

Changes in 20/01/2021
[+] Added option to display Elevation in Y axis
[*] Minor fixes

Changes in 24/03/2020
[*] Fixed an issue with LPI report data when site condition is set to excavation

Changes in 28/10/2019
[+] Added support for variable GWT during earthquake in parametric analysis module

Changes in 30/05/2019
[*] Fixed an issue caused by importing CPeT-IT project files with averaging interval greater than 5

Changes in 25/05/2019
[+] Added option to choose the LSN integral calculation depth limit (10 meters or 20 meters)
[*] Fixed an issue with overlay plots generation
(due to potential online update failure caused by antivirus software, we recommend to update your copy by downloading and installing the latest trial directly from our website)

Changes in 13/04/2019
[*] Fixed an issue with plots not being displayed correctly in reports when working with ultra high resolutions

Changes in 12/03/2019
New major version that supports the new license models

Changes in 23/11/2018
[*] Fixed a bug in Vs module where zero total stresses during eq. were calculated

Changes in 30/10/2018
[+] SPT and Vs calculations support the CPT site conditions
[+] Added a new page to display the new modified normalised plots under the Interpretation results
[+] Added font selection for descriptions and cosmetic text
[+] Added option to adjust Y axis labels of liq. calculation plots based on site conditions
[+] Added option to enable/disable company logo presentation in reports
[+] Added option not to print file path on report footer
[+] Added option to format Y axis labels
[-] It is highly recommended to update the software by downloading and installing the latest trial from our website

Changes in 13/09/2018
[+] Added command to automatically place markers on the map for all selected CPT files

Changes in 08/08/2018
[*] Fixed a bug in Boulanger & DeJong thin layer correction filter

Changes in 14/07/2018
[*] Fixed an issue with report generation introduced with the previous update

Changes in 12/07/2018
[*] Fixed an issue with LSN, LPI analysis reports

Changes in 25/05/2018
[+] Added thin layer connection module

Changes in 25/05/2018
[+] Added option to input variable PGA over depth
[*] Fixed an issue with digits number increase/decrease not working with B&I 2014 methodology

Changes in 21/02/2018
[+] Added LSN plot on custom report page
[+] Plot cards in custom report page can now be rearranged by click and drag
[+] Added option to change Y axis title visibility
[*] Fixed a small bug with an error appearing when closing the software after the latest Microsoft Windows update

Changes in 12/02/2018
[+] Added option to add a CPT marker by custom coordinates
[+] Added option to view/edit CPT marker coordinates

Changes in 12/02/2018
[*] Fixed an issue with correct placement of markers on Google map

Changes in 18/10/2017
[*] Fixed an issue with the latest Windows update (the software was requesting administrator credentials in order to run)

Changes in 11/09/2017
[+] Added option to define error codes
[+] Added module to perform liq. analysis with DMT data
[+] Added module to estimate building settlement based

Changes in 06/04/2017
[*] Fixed an issue with the improvement module not working properly

Changes in 09/03/2017
[+] Added option to invert plot LPI/LSN (in project properties)
[*] Fixed issues with plotting GWT line on all plots

Changes in 08/12/2016
[*] Fixed an issue in settlements analysis module when asking a report and B&I 2014 method is selected
[*] Fixed issues with plot axes scales in settlements analysis and methods analysis modules
[+] The software will now remember plot axes scales in settlements analysis and methods analysis modules

Changes in 28/11/2016
[+] Added calculation for surface manifestation estimation according to Ishihara 1985
[*] Fixed an issue with calculating LSN below 10 meters depth

Changes in 28/10/2016
[*] Fixed an issue when calculating pore pressures for GWL above ground surface using Imperial Units

Changes in 18/10/2016
[*] Fixed an issue when importing some CPeT-IT project files that do not end with valid raw data

Changes in 13/10/2016
[*] Fixed an issue when importing multiple GEF files

Changes in 09/09/2016
[*] Fixed an issue with Kayen et al. CRR curve

Changes in 30/08/2016
[*] Minor internal issues fixed

Changes in 24/07/2016
[*] Fixed an issue with Kayen et al. CRR calculation

Changes in 28/06/2016
[*] Fixed an issue with imperial units when an excavation is defined

Changes in 17/06/2016
[*] Fixed an issue with Kayen et al. (Vs module) CRR formula according to 2015 Erratum

Changes in 09/04/2016
[*] Fixed a bug when importing CPT files and all points are marked as non liquefiable

[+] First commercial release of version 2.0

Changes in 09/04/2015
[+] Added option for CRR calculation based on custom PL (applies only to Moss et al. and B&I 2014 methods)
[*] Fixed a bug with custom report page and B&I (2014)

Changes in 20/05/2014
[+] Latest Boulanger & Idriss CPT based method added
[+] New ground improvement control module added
[+] Added filter to eliminate negative raw data values
[+] Extended NCEER method to perfrom calculations for Qtn,cs up to 200
[+] New probabilistic settlements module added
[*] Fixed an issue with the calculation of rd with I&B 2008 (using Imperial units)
[*] Various minnor issues fixed
[-] New updated manual

Changes in 27/11/2013
[+] Users can now switch between LPI or LSN by left clicking on the LPI plot
[+] Application will search for system defined temporary folder to be used for the creation of reports
[+] Aging factor now applies to SPT and Vs assessment modules
[*] Fixed an issue with Vs Kayen et al. report file
[*] Fixed an issue with Vs assessment module reseting the “Can liquefy” state after calculation
[*] Fixed an issue with overburden correction factor for I&B method
[*] Fixed an issue with the calculation of CN for I&B

Changes in 07/08/2013
[+] Added two additional parametric calculations
[+] Added calculation log text report
[+] Added custom report page creation
[+] Added option to use any MSF (NCEER, Moss et al., Idriss & Boulanger) regardless the selected assessment method
[+] Added option not to display numeric results for CPT points on the 2D map
[*] Fixed a bug with strain plot not displaying results correctly
[*] Fixed an issue with importing files from CLiq project files
[*] Lowered maximum volumetric strain value for dry sands settlements

Changes in 30/10/2012
[+] Added option to save/apply plot scale values
[*] Fixed a bug where imported CPeT-IT files could not display correct depth

Changes in 21/06/2012
[+] Added Idirss & Boulanger 2008 calculation method
[+] Columns in tabular results can now be resized
[+] Added aging factor in volumetic strain calculation
[+] Added option to apply probability of liquefaction to volumetric strain
[+] Added option to define non-hysrostatic piezometric profiles to in situ and during earthquake GWT
[*] Fixed a bug in the calculation of LPI and settlements of the very first CPT point when a fill is defined

Changes in 08/12/2011
[+] Added a custom user FS to be applied on CSR
[+] Added command to dublicate selected CPT
[+] Added a simple reduction factor for ev
[+] Added support for the latest CPeT-IT files

Changes in 12/07/2011
[+] Added SPT and Vs based liquefaction assessment methods for direct comparison with CPT based method
[+] Added option to include custom CSR data
[+] Added option to define custom Y axis scale for overall results report
[-] Starting with this version, for network based licenses a special version of the software will be delivered uppon request

Changes in 19/10/2010
[+] Enabled Moss et al. (2006) method for the calculation of FS against soil liquefaction
[+] Added option to define start page number when printing overall reports
[+] Added a simple report page in the parametric analysis tool
[-] New appearance in tabular results report pages

Changes in 16/04/2010
[+] Added command to create overlay reports
[+] Added command to export single plots as graphic files (by right clicking on plots)
[*] Fixed a bug where the latest CPeT-IT project files could not be imported

Changes in 09/01/2010
[*] Fixed a minor bug where the tabular ev value for dry sands was not displayed correctly
[-] Updated dry sands calculation procedure with a max allowable ev set to 25%
[-] Updated parametric analysis procedure to include dry sands settlements

Changes in 07/01/2010
[+] Added procedure to calculate dry sands settlements based on Robertson (2010)
[+] Added latest liquefaction assessment procedure proposed by Dr. Peter Robertson (2009), applicable to all soil types
[+] Added two new columns in the results tabular data to present Su ratio (liquified and peak)
[-] Modified SBT plot according to Robertson (2010)
[-] New way to prepare overall reports by selecting CPT files to be included (or excluded)
[-] Modified procedure for strength loss calculation according to Robertson (2009)
[*] Fixed an issue in Ic plots when Ic value cannot be defined
[*] Fixed a mouse issue when double clicking inside plots (zoom function was enabled after closing the dialog)
[*] Fixed a bug when selecting CPT’s in 2D map
[*] Fixed minor memory leaks
[*] Fixed an issue with network license
[*] Fixed a bug in on-line update procedure

Changes in 02/10/2008
[+] Added option to check for updates on-line
[+] Added option to import CPT data from another CLiq project file
[+] Added option to import an external picture file in the 2D results paper
[+] Added zoom in and zoom out functions inside the plots
[+] Added zoom direction property in project properties
[-] New CPT file manager
[-] Updated procedure for the calculation of stress normalization for Qtn (based on recent reccomendation by Prof. Peter Robertson)
[-] Support for the new 1.60 CPeT-IT project files
[*] Fixed an issue with Imperial units not displaying in 2D map results
[*] Fixed a minnor issue with the left axis label when creating overall reports
[*] When importing data from CPeT-IT, GWT during earthquake is now set to GWT insitu
[*] When importing data from CPeT-IT, local coordinates are assigned (if any)

Changes in 17/04/2008
[*] Fixed the “Failed to set data for” error message when running CLiq under Vista?

Changes in 07/04/2008
[+] Added support for floating license using a USB dongle
[+] Added option to include an excavation in calculations during earthquake
[+] Added a new tad under Liquefaction assessment results for liquefied shear strength ratio (not yet documented)
[+] Added an extra column in the CPT analysis tabular results that displays the Probability for liquefaction according to Juang et al. (2006)
[+] Added option to display either FS plot or PL plot (using the right mouse click on the FS plot)
[+] Added option to exclude/include pages from summary report
[+] Added more details in the lateral displacements report page
[+] Added overall calculation report for LPI, vertical settlement and lateral displacements
[*] Fixed a bug regarding Imperial units when importing data from XLS file
[*] Fixed a bug where vertical and lateral displacements line plots where shifted down when a fill was present
[*] Fixed a bug where the GWT during earthquake was drawn above the plots
[*] Fixed a bug where the export procedure for tabular results always exported the basic interpretation
[-] Clay-like CSR calculation uses the MSF proposed by Boulanger & Idriss 2007
[-] Improved algorithm to create smoothed isolines in 2D plain maps
[-] Changed colors of SBT plot according to recent recommendations by Prof. Peter Robertson

Changes in 1.1.1 27/11/2007
[*] Fixed a bug where the G.W.T. during earthquake was not drawn correctly in the plots
[*] Fixed a bug where navigation through points in the summary plots was not possible when a fill was present
[-] Updated G.W.T. during earthquake description in user’s manual

Changes in 1.1 22/11/2007
[+] Added report for transition layer detection algorithm
[+] Added feature to exclude transition layers based on a minimum number of points in layer
[+] Added feature to import data directly from XLS files
[+] Added ability to create reports in grayscale
[+] Added feature to exclude points from CSR vs qt1N,cs plot based on GWL and transition layer criteria
[*] Fixed bug where lateral displacement calculation was performed for FS > 2
[*] New project file structure creates files with smaller size

[+] First commercial release