SteinP 3DT update history:
Changes in 28/09/2022
[+] Added command to export drawing page as DXF
[*] Fixed an issue when changing drawing page scale
Changes in 17/09/2022
[+] Added command to print the drawing page
[+] Added command to export the drawing page in various graphic formats
Changes in 06/06/2019
[+] Support for the new license models
Changes in 10/01/2019
[*] Fixed a few minor cosmetic issues
Changes in 12/10/2018
[*] Fixed a bug with the calculation grid displaying only elastic settlements
[*] Fixed a bug with watch point plots not being displayed correctly
Changes in 09/06/2018
[+] Updated UI
[-] IMPORTANT NOTE: Due to heavy file structure reconstruction, the new version cannot read older project file. If you are updating from an older version please make sure you install the new version in a different folder so that you can keep a copy of the old one.
Changes in 08/01/2009
[+] Added new inner radius property for circular footing so that a ring footing can now be created
[+] Added feature to customize report header with company information (under the Edit menu)
[-] Moved report file outside application executable (in Reports subfolder)
[*] Fixed a bug when trying to modify a random footing by mouse
[*] Fixed the “Failed to set data for” error message when running SteinP 3DT under Vista.
[*] Minor code changes to prevent memory leaks
Changes in 14/04/2008
[+] Added support for floating license using a USB dongle
[+] Added feature to create smoothed isolines
[*] Fixed a bug when calculating section settlements where the software always used the Es value
[*] Fixed a bug regarding embedment value not saved in circular and random footings
Changes in 1.4.2 31/01/2007
[*] Fixed a bug where colored map creation procedure raised an error when user screen color depth was less than 24bit
Changes in 1.4.1 12/12/2006
[*] Fixed a bug regarding irregural footings not being able to calculate immediate settlements fon non-cohesive soils
[-] Improved contours generation algorithm
Changes in 1.4.0 08/12/2006
[+] Added embedment feature for all footing elements
[+] Added stress graphs for watch points
[+] Added undrained elastic modulus for cohesive soils
[+] Added several object visual properties in Edit menu
[+] Added calculation constrain according to Eurocode and DIN (20% rule)
[+] Added option to exclude data points shapes from consolidation graphs
[+] Added option to exclude immediate settlements for cohesive soils
[*] Fixed a memory leak when drawing filled area object
Changes in 1.3.5 30/10/2006
[*] Fixed a bug not calculating correctly the time factor Tv
Changes in 1.3.3 18/09/2006
[*] Fixed an AV error when moving watch points by mouse
[*] Fixed error in sand drains properties legend
Changes in 1.3.2 15/09/2006
[*] Fixed a bug regarding watch point not showing correctly when zooming out a page
[*] Fixed bug not showing correctly calculation grid area coordinates
Changes in 1.3.1 03/08/2006
[+] Added option to calculate degree of consolidation by making use of vertical sand drains
[+] .s3d files are now associated with SteinP 3DT
[*] Fixed a bug regarding section lines display when rescaling the drawing
[*] Updated documentation
Changes in 1.2.18 19/06/2006
[+] Added 1-D consolidation settlements calculation
[+] Added new layer to hold watch-points and section lines
[+] Added settlements report for watch-points
[+] Added calculation parameter for stress integral calculation
[+] Added calculation parameter for unit length element (applies only to circular and polygon footings)
[+] Added time length parameter for the creation of settlements and degree of consolidation charts
[+] Added quick access to the calculation commands from the main pop-up menu
[+] Added drawing scale information on soil legend
[*] Fixed a bug when scaling the drawing some parameters where not updated
Changes in 1.1.0 10/06/2006
[+] Added section line element
[+] Minor improvements
[*] Fixed a bug of water level not saved in project file
[*] Fixed bug when moving watch point with mouse point always appeared at (0,0)
Changes in 1.0.2 08/06/2006
[+] Added ability to insert additional points for settlements calculation
[*] Fixed a bug in circular footing not showing correct pressure value
Changes in 1.0.1 06/06/2006
[+] First commercial release