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CPeT-IT User's Manual v.3.0

Navigation: Advanced features

Creating overlay report

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Overlay reports provide a visual mean of comparing CPTU data over depth. In order to initiate the creation of an overlay report you must first check any CPTU file inside the list.

Selected CPTU files will be included in overlay report

Selected CPTU files will be included in overlay report

Click on the Reports menu and select the Create overlay report command. The following dialog appears:

Overlay report dialog

Overlay report dialog

The software will create all necessary plots using default settings regarding the color of line used, point style for each line, plot scales etc. You may customize plot scales in a way similar to the one described here. If you wish to alter the way each CPTU file is plotted you must first select the file from the Overlay CPT files list box. CPeT-IT will display the visual properties of the selected CPTU file. You may alter the following attributes:

1. Line color: From the Pen color drop down box you may define a different color for the plot line of the selected CPTU file.

2. Point style: The Point style drop down list contains point styles that you may apply to the selected CPTU line (when Point Style is set to None then not data will be added to the SBT Plots for the associated CPT).

3. Point size: Using The Point X size and Point Y size spin edit boxes you may alter the dimensions of the points.

4. Pen width: The number inside the Pen width spin edit box defines the thickness of the CPTU plot line

To apply the changes made you must click on the Refresh selected button. Immediately the selected CPTU file will appear eoth the newly entered properties. To preview and print an overlay report just click on the Preview report button. According to the radio button that is checked the report can display the profile plots only, the estimation plots only or profile and estimation plots.